Illustration by Joe Marciniak introduces another section of Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates.


MysteryDates posts

MysteryDates is my 282-page volume that shows how you can keep the sizzle in your relationship.

Roving I posts

The Roving I is a compilation of my essay-columns written for weekly newspapers from 2009 to 2021.

Grampy… posts

Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates, which is aimed at kids 6 to 10, is a fantasy about the misadventures of two eight-year-olds and a grandfather/sorcerer who repeatedly gets them out of trouble when they mess up their magic spells.




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Rollercoaster… posts

Rollercoaster: How a man can survive his partner’s breast cancer is a comprehensive memoir-chronicle and guide to scientific research, meds and where to get help — and can aid female patients and caregivers even though it’s geared toward male caregivers.

Additional Rollercoaster… blog items can be found on the VitalityPress website.

Woody’s favorites

My top ten choices from almost 300 blog items.

Button, button, who’s got the button

Button, button, who’s got the button

‘Tis the season in which folks often focus on family and friends.The Roving I, a mostly light-hearted book that was just released, does just that — focus on family and friends. But its 70 first-person columns also include some that feature serious stuff, and numerous...

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Button, button, who’s got the button

Whimsical cover embellishes ‘The Roving I’

Artist Joe Marciniak took an idea birthed by Woody Weingarten and turned it into a whimsical cover for the author’s newest book, The Roving I. That cover depicts Weingarten, his real-life head superimposed on a cartoon body replete with pot belly, meandering into the...

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