NBC newscaster Tom Brokaw reveals what it's like living with an incurable blood cancerTom BrokawTom Brokaw has used The New York Times as a bully pulpit by writing an op-ed column titled "Learning to Live with Cancer."In today's piece, the NBC special news...
‘Rollercoaster…’ posts
“Rollercoaster: How a man can survive his partner’s breast cancer” is a comprehensive memoir-chronicle and guide to scientific research, meds and where to get help — and can aid female patients and caregivers even though it’s geared toward male caregivers.
Additional “Rollercoaster…” blog items can be found on the VitalityPress website.
Risk factors: aging, estrogen, excess weight
2,600 men are facing diagnosis of breast cancer this year, nonprofit saysPolitically, the phrase "top 1 percent" has become important — and again was cited recently by Hillary Clinton regarding the imbalance of wealth in our country.A different 1 percent is equally...

For 1st time, mammogram doesn’t scare survivor
Breast cancer anxieties of 'Rollercoaster' author's wife vanish — after only 23 years Cancer-free Fox and Weingarten My wife, Nancy Fox, wasn't at all afraid. For the first time in 23 years. She'd previously been nervous each time she'd gone for a mammogram, fearful...
A ‘compassionate non-judgmental forum’
Sportscaster becomes veep of support group for guys whose partners have breast cancerBruce MacgowanNoted San Francisco Bay Area radio sportscaster Bruce Magowan has been elected vice chair/treasurer of Marin Man to Man.That's my weekly support group aimed at guys...
Op-ed in N.Y. Times charges TV ads pushing cancer drug are 'misleading and exploitive."Are cancer drugs on television misleading?In a word, yes.A recent op-ed piece in The New York Times by Matt Jablow, a public relations director for an insurance company, underscored...
Total remissions stem from patients’ T-cells
'Serial killers' on the loose — how cell therapy is now being used to attack blood cancerAn evolving technique called cell therapy can make cancer disappear.Total remissions already have occurred in "some patients who were out of treatment options," according to a...
Shannen Doherty’s breast cancer metastasizes
TV actress' post-mastectomy treatments: chemotherapy, radiation, strong marriageShannen Doherty.Shannen Doherty's breast cancer has metastasized.To her lymph notes and perhaps elsewhere.Exactly what that means regarding treatments is still unclear, however.US...
N.Y. Times story tells of ‘tumors melting away’
Experimental immunotherapies now sometimes replace chemo as a treatment for cancersImmunotherapy.Long word. Comparatively short history.But one suddenly filled with lots of promise about fighting cancer.A recent story by Denise Grady in The New York Times deals with...
Mastectomy may be in the offing for 45-year-old
Actress Shannen Doherty preempts breast cancer hair loss by shaving her headShannen Doherty, with pre-cancertreatments haircut in process.Suddenly, actress Shannen Doherty is bald.Temporarily, at least.She's shaved her head while fighting breast cancer, according to a...
DNA mutations plus sun damage equals trouble
Genes linked to red hair and pale skin increase your risk of melanoma, a new study saysNews reports, I've found, sometimes merely confirm what conventional and folk wisdom have known forever.Case in point — the recent UPI story (based on one in HealthDay News) that...