GUEST POST by HANNAH SCHIFRIN: Young ‘Grampy…’ writer remembers funny ideas just popping into her head

by Woody Weingarten
January 11, 2021

I’m happy to present this guest blog by Hannah Schifrin:

Most of the scenes I came up with for “Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates” when I was 8 were a lot of fun to write. They just popped into my head. So did the names Fairyzona and Fairyville.

My favorite scene is the pillow fight. I think it’s funny.

You asked why I thought it would be a good idea to make Grampy a sorcerer and the two 8-year-olds fairies. Well, I’d read some stories about characters like that and just thought sorcerers and fairies were really cool.

I’m happy the way “Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates” turned out. It’s really a good book, really a good story, especially if somebody considers I was only 8 when I wrote it with you, Grandpa.

Maybe it would have been even better if I’d have been an older kid when we worked together on it. Maybe not.

But my only bad memory is that you wouldn’t let me type on your computer keyboard.

I think kids who like fantasy and imagining will like “Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates” the best. But it’s a really good book for all kids, and I think a lot of them will enjoy reading it even if they don’t usually read this kind of book.

If I were still that age and somebody else wrote it, I’m sure I’d read it.

I think most kids will also like the illustrations. They’re fun and really sweet.

As to your question about what I’m writing now, the answer is poetry. It kind of comes naturally to me. It can bring out emotion pretty easily, and lots of people can relate to that.

But I think our collaboration might inspire other grandparent-children or parent-children teams to bond and do a project like “Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates” because it can be a lot of fun — even if you grow impatient waiting a long time for it to get published.


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