Children’s fantasy by the author of ‘Rollercoaster’ and granddaughter is getting close to publication

by Woody Weingarten
August 18, 2020

Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night, to borrow a phrase, can stop my writing. 

Nor can the coronavirus. 

Although Covid-19 has caused a major delay in the publication of “MysteryDates,” which may not find its audience for another year or so, it won’t be able to stop the public from seeing “Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates,” a children’s fantasy co-written by me, Woody Weingarten, and my granddaughter, Hannah Schifrin.

The collaborative effort — about a wizard, his fairy grandaughter and her fairy best friend will be published any month now, even though we’re Sheltering in Place just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Pre-publication details, as they say, are rapidly being ironed out — and are entering the proverbial homestretch.

Also in the offing (a little further down the 2020 road) is “The Roving I,” a compilation of columns I’d penned over an 11-year period.

For those who need to see that I can put one word after another, check out “Rollercoaster: How a man can survive his partner’s breast cancer,” a VitalityPress book that I aimed at male caregivers (and which I’m seriously thinking about updating). 


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