“Grampy and His Fairyzona Playmates” is an imaginative story that kids can read to themselves — silently or aloud — or enjoy while parents, grandparents and/or great-grandparents read to them.
Indeed, children from 6 to 10 are likely to enjoy anyone reading it to them — brothers or sisters, uncles or aunts. Cousins or distant relatives. Friends or neighbors. Classmates.
Readers of the four-part book that’s punctuated with full-color illustrations can bring delight, during the pandemic, on Zoom, Facetime, Skpe or an app of their choosing.
If they choose to, kids (or readers) may act out some of the scenes in the 58-pager.
And, yes, youngsters can even learn a painless lesson or two while hearing the tale of a sorcerer-grandfather who must often rescue his eight-year-old granddaughter and her bff when the two fairies mess us their magic spells.
No matter how it’s approached, though, it can be entertaining — and fun.